Regional Italian Spotlight: Campania

In this new series, we’ll look more closely at a lesser-known region of Italy in every issue. As consumers continue to clamor for authentic, regional Italian foods, it pays to be in the know! This month, we travel south to Campania.

Campania_mapLocated in Southern Italy, Campania stretches from the gulf of Naples to the famous Amalfi coast. Campania is the birthplace of pizza and the world renowned Pizza Margherita, said to have originated from Naples in the mid-1800s. Campania is a strong growing region for wheat, especially the semolina used in pastry, pasta and breads of the region. It’s also known for tomatoes, home to the internationally famous San Marzano tomato found canned, fresh and sun-dried.

The cuisine of the region is traditionally cucina povera, using simple, inexpensive ingredients like pasta, fresh herbs and vegetables, with fish for celebratory meals.

Featured dish: Spaghetti Frittata di Napoli – this is a classic “picnic” dish from Naples, made for the weekend using leftover pasta, a mild melting cheese and pancetta or ham. It’s meant to be eaten cold or at room temperature with a flavorful condiment like the pesto here.